Thursday, November 11, 2004


This may come as a shock to many of you, but I am friends with an alien. Yes, you heard me right...friends with an alien from another planet. You see as a child i was infatuated with space. I would gaze apon the stars with such awe and attraction that I knew one day I would be able to go out there and explore. At the ripe young age of 3, I decided to build a Quantum Interstellar Wave Algorithem Interseption Device. The first couple models didnt work because of my inexperience in Quatum physics and a lot of time went to potty training, but at the age of 5, I did build a working unit. I used this device to send signals to distant planets, one day hoping that I would get a responce. In 1989 when I was 12, I got a responce. I read the devices printout and it read out directions to a baseball field in town. I was so excited that I could hardly contain my bladder, and wasted no time on making my way to the destination. It turned out to be TRUE and that this was a message from an extra terrestrial bieng from some other planet!
I arrived at the field at a quarter past midnight and lookd for anything unusual. Then to my left was a thumping noise and a silvery object reflecting the moon on some sort of smooth surface. I moved in for closer inspection.
It was by golly a flying sauser that was hovering about 4 feet from the ground. Standing on the ground was a short little man with a avacado tree where his head should be. I froze im my tracks, the being never spoke , and made its way tward me. I was so frozen in disbelief that there was nothing I could do. He then reached up with a small twiglike hand and plucked and avocado from his tree head and handed it to me as what I thought was a jesture of friendship. I thought to myself " WOW my first space friend"
The thumping I found out later was "Tecno Trance Hardcore Vol 4" - He explained later that he is a big fan of LA tecno and actually has attended many RAVES in the area...nobody seemed to notice.


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